For a free, no-obligation analysis of your energy usage and a price proposal from Constellation, please complete this form.


This is to advise all parties that we authorize Constellation Energy Corp (“Constellation") to have access to our customer information for the sole purpose of determining the pricing of electricity service or the provision of other energy-related services. We authorize Constellation to act on our behalf to secure all Electric Distribution Utility records and information on an ongoing basis unless and until we direct you otherwise in writing, including at a minimum the customer’s account number, data about meter readings, rate class, and electric usage, twelve-month payment history, the customer’s name, address(es) and telephone number or other information consistent with Public Service Commission rulings. Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter. Your information will be treated confidentially, provided, however, we understand that Constellation may share information collected hereunder with its affiliates.

Office: 4937 Green Valley RD , Monrovia MD 27110

Call (410)-469-6554


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